Kamis, 10 Januari 2008

Global Warning

Global of Warning : End Of All Boundaries

August 22nd, 2007 | By Lutfi Pratomo

Life has boundary so do organism. Now, boundary have been no more with dissatisfation taste of man which do not recognize boundarys. This century is civilization retrogression of man is not civilization progress of man. Many the experts tells that science is modern century man rescuer. What a its(the excitement, when man creates, steam engine, ship, train, gas-light, computer, photography, AC, gas-light, plane and various products amazing all people in world is including writer.

And this is civilization of progress of man. In here emerges that man is perfection is being, excrutiatingly. Marxism also express science as life rescuer. And man, in the end becomes power all areas, either from social, science, so that colonizing month. Unconscious consciousness at the time of at the same of man becomes nature power sir, x'self power sendiri-bebas. Cites Toffler that “ Victory final purpose of science subyeksi evolution process of itself for man who is conscious”.

Power to strength power of man rationality cannot be denied again. And, power and strength is purpose of main of man without having to thought of impact of ecological life. But, non science pessimist have been proven [shall] no longer recognize boundary kemanusian and ekosistim life. Simply science in this globalization century differs from purpose of expected. Scientist keeps saying with kredo humanistik that its(the work to the good man as a means of save it.

Proven, researchs into science to require money which many. And, ironically scientist knows that its(the project must be sold belikan. These days science fully mastered by global military and capitalist economics systems. Permanent business of business, science cannot take care of their/his self and finally kills ecological life.

Cites Robert Musil, mathematics, Ms. exact nature science, machine science grandmother also far mother of science having spirit [of] from his(its, at akhirnya,melahirkan poisongas and plane combats. And, its(the purpose, writer concludes that science is human life biosphere murderer machine.

From science borns global economics systems and triggers global warm-up endangering its(the people and life. One of this century scientist Fritjop Capra in its(the research that science has been trapped in wrong line by placing physics as peer. According to him, science world up for changing direction from science fisika—ilmu objects mati—menuju science biologi—ilmu about life objects. Because hierarchically life is being has higher complexity compared to death objects.

Danger of global of warning writer have ever submitted it in article entitling Hancurnya Bumi:Ujung from Global warning. But, danger now have been uncared of man. By, in consequence man is systems creator and creates new forms for the shake of advantage of domain economics without having to thought of danger. In the end talking market systems. What is weak will be grinded economical. In the theory Chaos that market is alife systems and always peripatetic. The Adam obsolescence theory Smith also is leaved by arising that market [by] democracy process fully runs and basic rights is held high.

Proven, they is big nations ( ACE, English, Australian, Israel) roaring fought wish to master natural resources in weak nations and must kill thousands of million mans. Indonesia the only state which taken for granted to invansi they even must sell its(the natural resources and rareness animal is including its(the man residing in floated [by] poorness. Data World Bank the year 2006 arising poorness number in Indonesia reachs 37-39 million men and number of unemployment of 10-12 million men between 100 million soul labor forces.

Ekspoitasi nature still going on though regulation of newest environment emerged in public Internasional, area friendliness product, and the many struggles of organization pencinta world,

more read completely in http://beritahabitat.net/2007/08/22/global-warning-akhir-dari-segala-batas/