Sabtu, 12 Januari 2008

Mud Tragedy Lapindo

Tragedy ‘ Mud Lapindo ' started on 27 Mays 2006. Event of this becomes a tragedy when hot mud floods started suffuses areal rice field, settlement of industrial resident and area. This thing is fair remembers mud volume is estimated [by] around 5000 to 50 thousand meter cubics perhari ( equivalent with full charge 690 king sized container trucks). As a result, this mud blast brings remarkable impact for public around and also for economics activity in East Java: finite pond as high as 6 metre at settlement; member total evacuated more than 8200 men; rumah/tempat remains damage 1683 units; areal agriculture and plantation of finite breakdown more than 200 ha; more than 15 factories suffused stops activity produce and retires more than 1873; doesn't function it supporting facilities for education; damage of region area suffused; its(the breakdown infrastructure facilities and basic facilities ( electrical network and telephone); stop of toll joint streets Malang-surabaya is causing also to activity produce of in area Ngoro ( Mojokerto) and Pasuruan which during the time is one of main industrial area in Java Timur3

Mud also dangerous for public health. Heavy metal content ( Hg), for example, reachs 2,565 mg/liter Hg, though its(the quality standard only 0,002 mg/liter Hg. This thing causes infection of bronchi, irritation of skin and kanker4 Kandungan phenol can cause red blood cell to break ( haemolysis), heart palpitates ( cardiac arrythmia), and trouble ginjal5

Besides environmental mutilation and health trouble, mud floods social impact cannot be looked into inconsequential. After more than 100 days doesn't show condition repair, concerning good is government caring, annoyed it education and source of production, solution uncertainty, and psychical pressure repeatedly, social crisis started arises. Dissolution of member starts emerging concerning expense of indemnation, the theory konspirasi bribery by Lapindo,6 finite filling soil;land;ground carrier truck capture of rejection is concerning location of sludge disposal after technical handling scenario of leakage 1 ( applies snubbing unit) and 2 ( making of relief well) experiences failure. Finally, is emerging is horizontal conflict.

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